Scott M. Lund, D.C.

Scott M. Lund
Chiropractor located in Encinitas, CA

Dr. Scott M. Lund has provided quality chiropractic care to the residents of San Diego and North San Diego County since 1994. Patients at Lund Chiropractic in Encinitas, California, can rely on Dr. Lund’s wholehearted commitment to their overall health and well-being. He’s a licensed chiropractor who’s well-known for his skill in joint pain relief, rehabilitative care, and other pain management services, along with general health and well being.

Dr. Lund is dedicated to the underlying principles of chiropractic care. He takes a whole-person approach to health that emphasizes the prevention of pain and illness by identifying and treating the cause as well as the symptoms of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

Dr. Scott M. Lund has provided quality chiropractic care to the residents of San Diego and North San Diego County since 1994. Patients at Lund Chiropractic in Encinitas, California, can rely on Dr. Lund’s wholehearted commitment to their overall health and well-being. He’s a licensed chiropractor who’s well-known for his skill in joint pain relief, rehabilitative care, and other pain management services, along with general health and well being.

Dr. Lund is dedicated to the underlying principles of chiropractic care. He takes a whole-person approach to health that emphasizes the prevention of pain and illness by identifying and treating the cause as well as the symptoms of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

He has extensive experience in traditional spinal adjustments. He’s also highly-skilled in the newer, gentler methods of chiropractic care. These techniques provide the same effective results for seniors and others who may not respond well to the original forms of corrective spinal care.

Dr. Lund designs individualized treatment plans for each of his patients, which may include lifestyle changes and other wellness interventions. He offers effective solutions for migraine headaches, whiplash injuries, and lower back pain. Dr. Lund is also skilled in treating arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica, and neuropathy.    

Patients at Lund Chiropractic can expect the right mix of professionalism and genuine concern for their health and well-being delivered in a warm and friendly environment. Dr. Lund is supported by a well-trained staff that shares his commitment to patient-first chiropractic care.


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